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Love and harmony send warmth to help the poor
Posted time:2018.06.29Promulgator: $info['author']Page view:10163

Love and harmony send warmth to help the poor
-- Carrying out poverty alleviation activities in response to the government's call


       On February 8, 2018, Inner Mongolia Watson Hydrofluoric Acid Workers Co., Ltd., accompanied by the Red Cross Society of Siziwangqi, came to Dongdahua Village to donate 90,000 yuan to the village and to 17 particularly poor villagers. Send warm winter supplies, hoping that they can have a stable and happy happy year.
      Over the years, our company has always attached great importance to the poor households in Dongdahua Village and formulated a feasible plan for poverty alleviation. Over the years, we have been paying attention to and helped 17 poor households in Dongdahua Village to solve the difficulties faced by farmers in a timely manner. The 17 poor households in Dongdahua Village are the impoverished households that the flag government office has formulated for Yonghe's joint poverty alleviation. Since 2010, Inner Mongolia Yonghe Fluoride Industry Co., Ltd. and the Flag Government Office have formulated a 10-year poverty alleviation plan. It plans to carry out poverty alleviation work in the village for the past ten years. The company provides cash assistance to Dongdahua Village through the Red Cross every year. 90,000 yuan and grain, oil and rice noodles and other New Year's sympathy items. Let the villagers have a happy and stable Spring Festival.
      This time, 17 poor households in Dongdahua Village, Inner Mongolia Watson Hydrofluoric Acid Works Co., Ltd. and the leadership of the flag government office have detailed the living conditions of 17 poor households in the village in recent years and other villagers. We hope that this donation can be used for Dongdahua Village. 17 poor households have a thin force. The leaders of the flag government expressed their most sincere gratitude to Inner Mongolia Yonghe Fluoride Co., Ltd. for its help and said that they will certainly live up to the expectations of the government and companies in Dongdahua Village and work hard to plan for the village and embark on a happy road to get rich!

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